Thursday, January 15, 2015


1 comment:

  1. Our group will do its utmost to make sure you|ensure you|be sure to} have greatest possible|the absolute best|the very best} experience on our slots. I performed a number of} hundred dollars at one casino in a single night at 100 dollars each and lost each time, mixing up my bets. I performed eight thousand dollars in 5 hours between three casinos on the Las Vegas strip and lost all of it. I've performed them long enough to imagine they are not seem to be} random, however as I said, it's my opinion from my observations, and you're entitled to yours. Next time you're be} taking part in} slots, stop and marvel why those top slot symbols and/or scatters mysteriously vanish 점보카지노 after a while - short-term random, sure - long-term random, not a lot...
